Monday, November 7, 2011
تسبب مخدرات الغباء
Actually of course there are black helicopters and they ferry MASSIVE amounts of illegal drugs everywhere. It is protected by and engaged in by judges, attorneys, military mules (senior officer corps and enlisted men) and most of all the government of the United States of America and especially the C.entral I.diots A.genda.
The purpose of the transnational drug trade
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
The National Security Archive: Bush and Gorbachev at Malta
Bush and Gorbachev at Malta
Previously Secret Documents from Soviet
and U.S. Files on the 1989 Meeting, 20 Years Later
National Security Archive Electronic Briefing Book No. 298
Edited by Svetlana Savranskaya and Thomas Blanton
Posted - December 3, 2009
For more information: 202/994-7000
Washington, D.C., December 3, 2009 - President George H.W. Bush approached the Malta summit with Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev 20 years ago this week determined to avoid arms control topics and simply promote a public image of "new pace and purpose" with him "leading as much as Gorbachev"; but realized from his face-to-face discussions that Gorbachev was offering an arms race in reverse, according to previously secret documents posted today on the Web by the National Security Archive (www.
The documents include the most complete transcript of the Malta summit ever published – excerpted from the forthcoming book, "Masterpieces of History": The Peaceful End of the Cold War in Europe, 1989 (edited by Svetlana Savranskaya, Thomas Blanton, and Vladislav Zubok for the Central European University Press). The transcript is a translation of the Soviet record from the Gorbachev Foundation, since the U.S. memcons remain, astonishingly, still classified at the George H.W. Bush Library in Texas.
The posting also includes the transcript of Gorbachev's historic meeting before Malta with Pope John Paul II at the Vatican, featuring remarkable agreement on values and the "common European home," including the Polish pontiff's statement that "Europe should breathe with two lungs." From the American side, the documents include the before-and-after National Security Council talking points prepared for Bush, the preparatory memos to Bush from Secretary of State James Baker and other top aides, intelligence briefings for Bush from the CIA and the State Department, and the Bush script and briefing book contents list for Malta itself – all obtained through the Freedom of Information Act.
The documents show profound misjudgments of Gorbachev on the American side, including the President's assumption that the Soviet leader would press for the removal of U.S. troops from Europe, not realizing until talking to Gorbachev directly that, just as Gorbachev had already announced publicly on multiple occasions, he believed the U.S. presence along with the NATO alliance to be a stabilizing force in Europe, particularly against any danger of German revanchism.
The documents signal a major missed opportunity at Malta to meet Soviet arms reductions proposals halfway, and suggest that the Bush "pause" in U.S.-Soviet relations during 1989 effectively delayed both strategic and tactical demilitarization for at least two years (the START treaty would not be signed until 1991, and only in September 1991 would Bush withdraw tactical nuclear weapons from U.S. Navy ships), at which point Gorbachev had effectively lost the domestic power to deliver on his side.
Gorbachev had sought to engage president-elect Bush as early as the Governor's Island meeting in New York in December 1988, but Bush demurred, instead launching a strategic review of U.S.-Soviet relations that cloaked the reality that the transition from Reagan to Bush was one from doves to hawks, that is, disbelievers in Gorbachev as a true reformer. Throughout 1989, judging by the candid memoir authored by President Bush with his national security adviser Brent Scowcroft (Note 1), the Bush mentality was marked by insecurity and anxiety that Gorbachev was more popular globally and had the initiative on proposing new departures in security policy – never quite recognizing that Gorbachev's proposals might well be in the U.S. national security interest. (Note 2)
Not until Bush went to Eastern Europe himself in July 1989, where he heard the reform Communists like Jaruzelski in Poland and Nemeth in Hungary plead with him to reach out to Gorbachev because that created political space for them to make change – and even more importantly, where he met the dissidents and oppositionists like Lech Walesa in Poland, who called U.S. aid proposals "pathetic," (Note 3) or Janos Kis in Hungary whom Bush quickly concluded should not be running his country – did Bush overrule his advisers and ask Gorbachev for a meeting, meaning to slow down the process of change in Eastern Europe. Bush wrote in his memoir: "I realized that to put off a meeting with Gorbachev was becoming dangerous. Too much was happening in the East – I had seen it myself – and if the superpowers did not begin to manage events [!], those very events could destabilize Eastern Europe and Soviet-American relations… I saw that the Eastern Europeans themselves would try to push matters as far as they could." (Note 4)
Characteristically, on the plane ride home from Europe in July when Bush sent a note to Gorbachev inviting the Malta meeting, the President spent more time (and far more space in his memoir (Note 5)) reaching out to the Communist dictators in China who had murdered their pro-democracy demonstrators in 1989, than to the Communist reformer in Moscow who had refused to do so.
Gorbachev's own frustration with the Bush "pause" and review of policy made the Soviet leader more than eager for such a meeting; but between the July idea and the December reality, Eastern Europeans rushed in and took apart the Stalinist empire including the Berlin Wall. Originally intended as an "interim" meeting to prepare for a full-scale summit in 1990, the Bush-Gorbachev meeting at Malta would take on a life of its own, symbolically closing the Cold War. Stormy weather and raging seas in Malta would play havoc with the meeting planners' idea of alternating U.S. and Soviet ships as picturesque sites for the meetings – thus providing something of a metaphor for the rush of events in Eastern Europe that ran out of the control of both superpowers.
Going into the Malta summit, the Bush team was determined to do the opposite of what Ronald Reagan had so successfully achieved in relieving the Soviet sense of threat through substantive arms control discussions, including remarkable commitments to the abolition of nuclear weapons. Instead, as the NSC preparatory points make clear, Malta was meant to avoid any substantive discussion of arms control, and simply convey, as Secretary of State Baker wrote in his briefing memo on November 29, "a public sense, here and abroad, of a new pace and purpose to the U.S.-Soviet dialogue with you leading as much as Gorbachev" – public relations in place of substance. The briefing memo from arms negotiation advisor Gen. Edward Rowny described the START treaty as having "potential risks and few gains" and any reductions in naval weapons "all losers for us" – recommending that Bush should say up front that the "US Navy is not on the bargaining table."
Bush's briefing book for Malta betrays the administration's actual priorities – Eastern Europe and its revolutionary changes were way down the contents list, along with arms control. Pride of place was Central America, where Bush's right flank in domestic politics believed Castro was the devil, the Nicaraguan Sandinistas were a Communist beachhead pointed at Texas, and Gorbachev himself was merely a new glove around the iron fist. In the Malta discussions, the Soviet leader called the American presumptions laughable: "It is not quite clear to us what you want from Nicaragua. There is political pluralism in that country, there are more parties than in the United States. And the Sandinistas – what kind of Marxists are they? This is laughable. Where are the roots of the problem? At the core are economic and social issues." Likewise on Cuba: "The issue now is how to improve the current situation. There is a simple and well-proven method: one has to speak directly to Castro. You must learn: nobody can lord it over Castro."
Malta's most significant outcome would simply be the reassurance it provided to the two leaders through a face-to-face meeting, and the building of a personal relationship on which both would rely in the difficult next two years. Gorbachev, for example, told Bush: "First and foremost, the new U.S. president must know that the Soviet Union will not under any circumstances initiate a war. This is so important that I wanted to repeat the announcement to you personally. Moreover, the USSR is prepared to cease considering the U.S. as an enemy and announce this openly."
Gorbachev also made an impact on Bush in the discussion of values. He bristled at Bush's repeated reference to "Western values" (a phrase found throughout the U.S. briefing materials for Malta) and argued that the U.S. approach of "exporting ‘Western values'" would cause "ideological confrontations [to] flare up again" in "propaganda battles" with "no point." Just before Malta, Gorbachev had found agreement on this point with Pope John Paul II, when the two of them discussed "universal human values" and the Pope commented, "it would be wrong for someone to claim that changes in Europe and the world should follow the Western model." Even though Bush told Helmut Kohl on December 3 that Gorbachev did not understand Western values, the American president subsequently adopted Gorbachev's phrasing, saying in his Brussels remarks immediately after the summit that the need to end the division of Europe was in accord with "values that are becoming universal ideals."
After Malta, the Americans raced to catch up with the arms control opportunities on offer from Gorbachev. NSC aide Condoleezza Rice wrote the preparatory memo for the NSC meeting on December 5, 1989, saying "The President has now committed himself to an ambitious arms control agenda before the June 1990 summit" and "the bureaucracy must not get in the way of the completion of the treaties" – yet the START deal would not be done until 1991 because of recalcitrance from Defense Secretary Dick Cheney and the U.S. Navy over on-site verification (the Soviets were willing to be more open than the American sailors) and cherished weapons like submarine-launched cruise missiles (in a classic contradiction between actual national security interest and the parochial interest of the military service involved, the U.S. had far more coastal metropolises that could be threatened with these weapons than the Soviet Union did).
Document 1
Department of State, U.S. Embassy Moscow, "Preparing for Malta: Trade Policy Toward the USSR," [cable from Ambassador Jack Matlock], November 14, 1989
The U.S. Ambassador to Moscow starts his recommendations for Malta with the objective that "we should be searching for ways in which we can, in a practical way, signal U.S. support for perestroyka." At the same time, he finds that this support should be the mission of primarily the private sector because "the United States government can have little direct economic impact, since there is no way in which we can or should practically or politically mount an economic aid program for the USSR." While expressing his preference that the Jackson-Vanik amendment limiting aid to the USSR should be waived, he realized that it would probably not be done before Malta. In this situation, he suggests that even before the formal waiver of the amendment, the President should send a signal of encouragement to the U.S. business community to "enter trade and investment relations with Soviet firms."
Document 2
Department of State. Information Memorandum to Secretary Baker from Douglas P. Mulholland (INR). "Regional Issues at Malta: Gorbachev's Agenda." November 17, 1989
This assessment of Gorbachev's positions on regional issues, from State's Intelligence and Research bureau, is quite accurate in pointing out that regional issues, apart from Afghanistan, do not represent priorities for the Soviet leader, and that he would prefer to discuss arms control and Eastern Europe instead. On Afghanistan, the memo correctly states that "Gorbachev will probably claim Pakistani and at least implicitly US violations of the Geneva accords" and draw implications for the ability of the US and the USSR to work together on other regional issues. The memo underestimates Gorbachev's willingness to engage in constructive discussion on Central America. However, one prediction comes very close—Gorbachev does seem to "decide that the best approach [on Central America] is to go on the offensive"—which he does during the summit, questioning the US use of force in Colombia, Panama and the Philippines.
Document 3
Department of State. Information Memorandum to Secretary Baker from Gen. Edward L. Rowny [Special Adviser for Arms Control]. November 17, 1989
This concise memo sums up the American position going into Malta, that "the meeting must not become an ‘arms control summit'" – since the Bush administration believed that Reagan had gone much too far in embracing Gorbachev and major arms reductions. Long-time SALT negotiator and retired Army general Rowny even goes so far as to recommend "If Gorbachev says that Malta should move arms control forward, we should focus the discussion on process and not engage on substance…" since "there are potential risks and few gains in discussing START," various potential Gorbachev offers such as "moratoria on fissionable materials and production of strategic weapons" "are all losers for us," and naval arms control is a "no-win situation." By 1991, of course, Bush would reverse course on almost all these positions, but too late to help Gorbachev demilitarize the Soviet Union.
Document 4
National Intelligence Estimate 11-18-89. The Soviet System in Crisis: Prospects for the Next Two Years
This consensus view of the U.S. intelligence community two weeks before Malta helps explain the lack of urgency on the part of the Bush administration to wrap up arms control deals with Gorbachev. This Estimate assumes that the current crisis in the USSR would continue even beyond the two-year timeframe, that "the regime will maintain the present course," that Gorbachev was "relatively secure" in his leadership role, and there was a less likely scenario of "unmanageable" decline that would lead to a "repressive crackdown." In hindsight, the dissenting view from the CIA's Deputy Director for Intelligence, John Helgerson, is more correct, predicting more progress towards a "pluralist – albeit chaotic – democratic system" in which Gorbachev's political strength would "erode" and he would "progressively lose control of events."
Document 5
Department of State. Information Memorandum to Secretary Baker from Douglas P. Mulholland (INR). "Soviet Thinking on the Eve of Malta." November 29, 1989
This prescient memo clearly draws on reporting from recent interlocutors with Gorbachev such as Canadian prime minister Brian Mulroney, and predicts Gorbachev's agenda at Malta as "a chance to polish his image and probe US thinking" on such issues as arms control and Eastern Europe. The assessment of Gorbachev's substantive priorities is generally accurate, as well as the prediction of the Soviet leader's push for faster START and CFE negotiations and concrete results. In contrast to the Cold War suspicions that dominated thinking in the Bush White House, Mulholland is aware that Gorbachev is not trying to push the United States out of Europe, but in fact "is more likely, however, to argue that US and Soviet forces in Europe have a stabilizing effect." He correctly predicts that Gorbachev would insist that German unification "can only occur in the context of the creation of a "common European home," but misses the point in suggesting that "given the Kohl [10 point] proposal, Gorbachev might raise the eventual creation of a German ‘confederation.'"
Document 6
Department of State. Memorandum for The President from Secretary of State James Baker. "Your December Meeting With Gorbachev." November 29, 1989
This five-page memo from President Bush's most trusted long-time friend and adviser provides a scene-setter and a provisional script for the President to use with Gorbachev. Baker's summary details the limited expectations on the American side for the Malta meeting, merely "to gain a clearer understanding" and to "probe Gorbachev's thinking" while kicking the major issues down the road to a full-scale summit in 1990. Perhaps most interesting is the third sentence of the first paragraph, which reveals the underlying public relations concern of the Bush administration about Gorbachev's popularity and criticisms of Bush's "pause": "Further, Malta could promote a public sense, here and abroad, of a new pace and purpose to the U.S.-Soviet dialogue with you leading as much as Gorbachev."
Document 7
The White House. Memorandum to The President from National Security Adviser Brent Scowcroft. "National Security Council Meeting, November 30, 1989." [With attachments: Agenda, Points to be Made, List of Participants]
This preparatory memo for the NSC meeting just before Bush went to Malta is perhaps most interesting for the contrast with the NSC meeting that occurred when Bush returned (see Document 12 below). Here the focus is to "put a damper on expectations" about Malta, to stop people from "getting carried away" given the changes in Eastern Europe, and to reiterate that the President is determined not "to negotiate arms control; the future of Europe; or economic issues."
Document 8
Transcript of Gorbachev-John Paul II Meeting, Vatican City, December 1, 1989 [Transcribed notes by Aleksandr Yakovlev.]
On the way to the Malta summit, Mikhail Gorbachev stops in Vatican City for his historic meeting with Pope John Paul II, the Polish pontiff from Krakow who had been such an inspiration to the Solidarity movement. Only the second time a leader of Russia had met with a pope, the first being the meeting between Tsar Nicholas I and Pope Gregory XVI in 1845, (Note 6) here the Soviet leader and his wife Raisa would hear the Vatican band performing the Internationale first and then the Papal Hymn. In this conversation, transcribed from notes by Politburo member Aleksandr Yakovlev (and published here for the first time in any language), the Pope raises concerns about religious freedom in the Soviet Union and the Vatican's relations with various Orthodox and Catholic denominations, while the Soviet leader talks about issues that he planned to discuss with President Bush in Malta, such as the concept of universal human values, particularly objecting to the use of the phrase "Western values" as the basis for world order. Gorbachev describes his vision of Europe and the new world where "universal human values should become the primary goal, while the choice of this or that political system should be left up to the people." That vision would also include gradual change of structures with respect for human rights and freedom of conscience. The Pope responds by saying he shared Gorbachev's vision, especially as far as values are concerned—"[i]t would be wrong for someone to claim that changes in Europe and the world should follow the Western model. This goes against my deep convictions. Europe, as a participant in world history, should breathe with two lungs."
Document 9
The President's Meetings with Soviet President Gorbachev, December 2-3, 1989, Malta [Briefing Book for the President]. Excerpts (contents pages, selected released pages). Source: George H.W. Bush Library, FOIA request 99-0273-F
The table of contents for President Bush's briefing book going into the Malta meeting provides a useful summary of American priorities for the discussions with the Soviet leader. The highest priority does not go the revolutionary changes in Eastern Europe, which come second on the American list to regional issues and specifically developments in Central America and Cuba – issues of greatest interest to President Bush's conservative critics in the Republican Party, not to mention his electoral base in Florida. And arms control issues, where Gorbachev is ready and eager to move forward, rank sixth on the list. The complete set of background papers has not yet been declassified, but included in this package are several interesting summary papers, including the first three on Central America and Cuba, two on U.S. policy toward Eastern Europe and the GDR, one on the Soviet domestic situation, and one on the conventional forces negotiations.
Document 10
Transcript of the Malta Meeting, December 2-3, 1989. Source: Gorbachev Foundation, Fond 1, Opis 1
The Soviet record of the Malta meeting has been available to scholars at the Gorbachev Foundation in Moscow starting in 1993, and the Foundation's documents books as well as memoirs by Gorbachev aides and the former Soviet leader himself have published a variety of lengthy excerpts amounting to an almost complete transcript of the Malta meeting from the Soviet side, while the American transcripts still have not been declassified at the George Bush Library (Texas A & M University) despite Freedom of Information requests that date back at least 10 years. Here, National Security Archive experts combine the various published and unpublished excerpts to produce and translate the most complete transcript yet available anywhere.
The transcript shows little trace of the fierce winter storm that disrupted the planned back-and-forth between U.S. and Soviet ships as the meeting venues at Malta, but instead demonstrates the growth of personal reassurance between the American and Soviet leaders, along with a few tempests over issues like "Western values" (see discussion above) and American pressures on Central America. Interestingly, in an extended discussion with Baker and Shevardnadze, the two sides approach agreement on a negotiation to end the protracted war in Afghanistan, where the Soviets had already completed their withdrawal but the Najibullah government had not fallen as the Americans had expected. Baker bluntly remarks, "Stop your massive assistance to Kabul" – to which Gorbachev responds, "Leave this empty talk behind" and tells the Americans that tribal leaders are already talking with Najibullah, that the Afghan "dialogue itself will clarify this issue" in a "transition period" and "If the Afghans themselves decide that Najibullah must leave – God help them. This is their business."
Apparently the biggest surprise to the Americans is Gorbachev's insistence that the U.S. should stay in Europe, that the U.S. and USSR "are equally integrated into European problems" and that they need to work together to keep those problems from exploding. (Note 7) The American president responds with classic expressions of reserve and prudence, insisting that he does not intend to posture over East Germany even though he was under severe domestic political pressure to "climb the Berlin Wall and to make broad declarations." Bush affirms his support for perestroika, and reassures Gorbachev that they both remember the Helsinki Final Act's pronouncements on the inviolability of borders. In general, the American wants to talk about practical details, such as specific congressional amendments on the U.S. side or arms deliveries in Central America from the Soviet bloc, while Gorbachev initiates broader philosophical discussions: "The world is experiencing a major regrouping of forces."
But both men are clearly uneasy about the dramatic transformations taking place. Bush frankly pronounces himself "shocked by the swiftness" while Gorbachev says "look at how nervous we are." After warning Bush not to provoke or accelerate the changes, the Soviet leader in particular seems to ask what kind of collective action they should take. He stresses the Helsinki process as the new European process and also mentions the Giscard d'Estaing comment in January 1989 about a federal state of Western Europe: "Therefore, all of Europe is on the move, and it is moving in the direction of something new. We also consider ourselves Europeans, and we associate this movement with the idea of a common European home." Gorbachev hopes for the dissolution of the blocs – "what to do with institutions created in another age?" – and suggests that the Warsaw Pact and NATO become, to an even greater degree, political organizations rather than military ones.
On the German question, neither leader expects events to move as fast as they would the following year. Just days before Malta, on November 28, Helmut Kohl announced his "10 Points" towards confederation in a Bundestag speech that the Soviet Foreign Ministry denounced as pushing change in "a nationalist direction." At Malta, Gorbachev attributes the speech to politics and said Kohl "does not act seriously and responsibly." But then Gorbachev asks whether a united Germany would be neutral or a member of NATO, suggesting that at least theoretically he imagined the latter, although he may simply have been acknowledging the U.S. position. His clear preference is for the continuation of two states in Germany and only very slow progress towards any unification: "let history decide." Bush is not eager for rapid progress either: "I hope that you understand that you cannot expect us not to approve of German reunification. At the same time ... [w]e are trying to act with a certain reserve."
Document 11
Directives for the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the USSR and the United States. Draft by Soviet delegation at Malta. December 3, 1989. Source: George H.W. Bush Library, FOIA request
This draft prepared by Gorbachev's aides envisions quick progress across the entire spectrum of U.S.-Soviet relations, starting with the proclamation that the Presidents at Malta "came to a common conclusion that the period of cold war was over and that the emerging era of peace opened up unprecedented opportunities for multilateral and bilateral partnership." The draft calls for preparation for a full-scale "watershed" summit in 1990, and puts "harmonizing national interests with universal human values" as a top priority for the two countries. The Soviet proposal outlines a comprehensive program of arms control with the goal of "creating a fundamentally new model of security." In addition to quick progress on START and "radical reduction of Soviet and U.S. stationed forces in Europe," the Soviet draft calls for discussion of "Open Skies, Open Seas, Open Land and Open Space" proposals. This draft shows that the Soviet side came to Malta with an ambitious arms control program – exactly what the Bush administration was trying to avoid – but the Malta discussions would lead directly to a growing Bush embrace of the arms reduction possibilities on offer.
Document 12
National Security Council. Memorandum for Brent Scowcroft from Condoleezza Rice. December 5, 1989. [With attachments: Memo to the President. Points to be Made. List of Participants (for NSC meeting on December 5, 1989). Agenda.]
The contrast between the NSC meetings before Malta ("dampen expectations," no negotiating arms control) and after Malta comes through clearly in this concise cover memo from Soviet specialist Condoleezza Rice to her boss, the national security adviser, enclosing the briefing memo and talking points that Scowcroft would then forward to President Bush. "The President has now committed himself to an ambitious arms control agenda before the June 1990 summit" and "bureaucracy must not get in the way," Rice writes. If such urgency had been present at the White House earlier in 1989, perhaps it would not have taken two more years to finish the START treaty or make the withdrawals of nuclear weapons that would not be accomplished until the month after the August 1991 coup against Gorbachev.
Document 13
Excerpt from Anatoly S. Chernyaev's Diary, January 2, 1990
In this entry Gorbachev's senior foreign policy aide reflects on Gorbachev's meeting with the Pope and the legacy of the Malta summit, since in the press of events, he had not managed to write down his commentary in the moment. The main point Chernyaev sees about Malta, a month later, is the "normalcy" of the summit, the shared understanding that the Soviet Union and the United States are partners and nobody would attack the other, therefore, the threat of nuclear war is a thing of the past, as is the Cold War itself. Chernyaev sees Gorbachev making an intentional effort at Malta to discard this old reality of the Soviet threat, of the "terror" projected by the Soviet Union in Europe as a result of its invasions and repressions. In Malta, according to Chernyaev, Gorbachev and Bush "gave hope to all humanity," and at the Vatican, Gorbachev and the Pope "spoke like two good Christians." The world has changed indeed.
1. George Bush and Brent Scowcroft, A World Transformed (New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1998), see for example pp. 40, 43, 71, 78, 114.
2. For extended analysis of the Bush administration's characteristic insecurity, see Thomas Blanton, "U.S. Policy and the Revolutions of 1989," in Svetlana Savranskaya, Thomas Blanton and Vladislav Zubok, eds., "Masterpieces of History": The Peaceful End of the Cold War in Europe, 1989 (Budapest/New York: Central European University Press, 2010).
3. For the colorful details of these uncomfortable meetings, see Victor Sebestyan, Revolution 1989: The Fall of the Soviet Empire (New York, Pantheon Boooks, 2009), pp. 303-305.
4. Bush and Scowcroft, p. 130.
5. Bush and Scowcroft, p. 132 compared to pp. 156-159.
6.Victor Sebestyen, Revolution 1989: The Fall of the Soviet Empire, (New York, Pantheon Books, 2009), p. 401.
7. Condoleezza Rice subsequently called Gorbachev's position at Malta on the U.S. staying in Europe "revolutionary change" and "something I never imagined I would hear from a Soviet leader" (see Victor Sebestyan, Revolution 1989, p. 403), but Gorbachev had explicitly made such assurances to the Trilateral Commission delegation in January 1989 in answering a question from Henry Kissinger, repeatedly in conversations with Margaret Thatcher and Helmut Kohl, among other leaders, and publicly in his famous Strasbourg speech on June 6, 1989. The Americans were apparently not listening, and as late as November 21, 1989, President Bush had suggested to West German foreign minister Genscher, much to the latter's surprise and disagreement, that Gorbachev would propose at Malta the withdrawal of U.S. troops from Germany and Europe – the old American fear that the Soviets were attempting to "decouple" the U.S. from Europe. See Bush-Genscher memcon, November 21, 1989, George Bush Library, released under 2007-0051-MR.
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Saddam Double-Crossed
by Sherman H. Skolnick 12/4/03
Some years ago we coined the phrase "oil-soaked, spy-riddled American monopoly press". It is not an idle statement. The basis for it are the numerous examples we have shown over the forty years we have functioned as a research/investig ative group.
About forty years ago the American CIA created Saddam Hussein and his political party as a bulwark against a growing left-wing in Iraq. Historically, it was just another way the West deals with Europe and the East. American/British Big Business financed Adolf Hitler and the Nazis as an opposition to the Soviets which had themselves been created by the West.
Common Americans do not seem to understand, or want to undertand, the principle, perfected many centuries ago by the Romans. To solidify your power, create so-called "enemies". and then build up your armies to protect you from "them".
Shortly after he was Director of Central Intelligence, Daddy Bush was instrumental in supplying Saddam with chemical/biological weapons as well as starting Iraq on the road to nuclear development. The Elder Bush, as a stooge for Americ an.British Big Business, instigated the Iran-Iraq war, 1980 to 1988, to tie-up both nations and keep up the price of oil, while weakening and impoverishing both Mid-East nations.
The Reagan/Bush White House armed Saddam. [See the heavily-documented book "The Spider's Web" by Alan Friedman, 1993, which did not get much mass media mention.]
Savvy folks are well-aware that Saddam was suckered into invading Kuwait, in 1990, as part of a long-simmering ruckus over Iraq's claims to oilfields on the Kuwait-Iraq border going back to 1960 when Kuwait was still a British colony.
In the pre-emptive attack on Iraq by the U.S., March, 2003, the Bush White House arranged to massively bribe the top element of the Iraq Republican Guard, the elite military units supposedly most trusted by Saddam. Thus,` the U.S. Mili tary went almost unopposed up the highway to Baghdad. These turncoat brass and their families were quietly and secretly whisked out of Iraq to safety and housing in the U.S. Remember also, we were among the first to mention that following Persian Gulf War One, Daddy Bush arranged to bring into the U.S. more than four thousand supposed Iraqi military intelligence defectors. Two thousand of them were with their families, at U.S. taxpayer's expense, housed, fed, and given work, in Oklahoma City. Kn owledgeable journalists have contended that these supposed defectors played a role with American dissidents as surrogates for Iraq, in the multiple bombings of the Alfred Murrah Federal Office Building, in Oklahoma City, April 19, 1995.
Yet, Daddy Bush and his financial crony, Bill Clinton, were both in a position to know that these Iraqi military brought into the U.S. had a number of double-agents, saboteurs now on U.S. soil.
[Related details on earlier parts of this website series.]
The Kuwait dictators, the al Sabah Royal Family, after Persian Gulf War One, hired an American investigation firm, Jules Kroll & Associates, to locate Saddam Hussein's properties. Details were published in 1991, in the Wall Street Journal. Saddam was one of the richest men in that part of the world. He held a huge financial position (and still does) in what became Daimler Chrysler (maker of Mercedes Benz and Chrysler cars); Fairchild Missiles, of Italy; Hachette, which owns, amon g other things, magazines in the U.S.; and Matra, the Paris-based firm operating the "People Mover" System at O'Hare Airport, Chicago, a light railway moving passengers and baggage from the airport terminals to the planes.
December 13, 2003, was an unlucky day for Saddam. At least, some think so. It may have been a staged event, with Saddam as one of the actors. Bush Crime Family super bagman, James A. Baker III (Daddy Bush Administration Secretary of St ate), heavily bribed Saddam's guards to abandon him. This made Saddam, supposedly all by himself, available to be arrested in the basement of a farmhouse on the outskirts of his home-town, Tikrit. Coming to grab Saddam was part of a secret U.S. unit alo ng with Saddam's historical enemies, Kurdish troops. Assisting with the bribery of Saddam's guards and the apprehending of Saddam, were OPERATIVES OF CBS NETWORK NEWS. In a live broadcast after the arrest, a CBS Network news hen accidentally let slip th e role of CBS in arranging the capture of Saddam. Maybe we can expect that the newswoman making the monstrous mistake, will mysteriously later be found shot to death "accidentally" by some U.S. military, like numerous other report! ers in Iraq.
You can see why we call it "the spy-riddled American monopoly press". CBS has assisted the American CIA since the creation of the spy agency.
James A. Baker III is the same bagman, in the year 2000 Presidential election mess. He reportedly bribed southern Florida DEMOCRATS, at a strategic moment, to stop the recounting of ballots for Albert Gore, Jr. Thus George W. Bush was able to get the Florida vote, crucial to the Electoral College vote, and thereby steal the Presidential election.
If Saddam lives to be put on public trial, he could defend himself and wreck the Bushies, with his own eyewitness testimony of treason committed by the Bush Crime Family. A complicating factor, is that France is in the middle of the de al to grab Saddam Hussein. Master blackmailers, the French have plenty on the Bushies, their role in the assassination and the cover up of the same, of President John F. Kennedy, the Florida election theft, George W. Bush and his travels with his male s ex-mate, and a French as-yet not released documentary on the Florida election, and plenty more. Insofar as Saddam has been moved out of Iraq, was he quietly moved to Paris?
More coming. Stay tuned.
Since 1958, Mr.Skolnick has been a court reformer. Since 1963, founder/chairman, Citizen's Committee to Clean Up the Courts, disclosing certain instances of judicial and other bribery and political murders
Part 43
Daddy Bush and Teddy Kennedy-The Meeting
by Sherman H. Skolnick 11/25/03
It was centuries in the making. The split between the Old World and the New World. Between East and the West. The Divide, the Vatican, the Reformation, the Protestant Church. The Capitalist World and their creation of their own "enemy" , the Communist World.
It was the fall of 2003. In the view of some, there was a most unlikely meeting of two persons. At least as considered by some, each a spokesperson for a different faction. George Herbert Walker Bush. Promoted into the oil business by the British Royalty (actually German Royalty, the House of Hanover, masquerading as the House of Windsor). A functionary of the American CIA since 1959, using his front worldwide units of Zapata Petroleum Co., later Zapata Offshore. In 1961, supervisor of the disastrous aborted CIA invasion of Cuba at "The Bay of Pigs". 1976, Director of Central Intelligence, arranged the murder in Washington of a former top official of Chile. 1977-1981, Director of a pharmaceutical firm, complicit re portedly in the dope underground with cocaine, a by-product of the production of the secret base of Coca-Cola by Stepan Chemical Co., Northfield, Illinois.
October, 1980, French Intelligence videoed Daddy Bush arranging a traitorous deal with top officials of Iran near Paris. The Iranians were bribed to help the Reagan/Bush ticket win the Presidential/Vice President election by showing in cumbent President Jimmy Carter as a wimp running for re-election. The bribery was to avoid the dreaded "October Surprise", if Carter got the release of the 52 U.S. hostages held by Iran. By the Bush treason, the hostages were held to exactly the moment in January, 1981, when Reagan/Bush were inaugurated. Bush was Vice President, 1981, and President, 1988.
Edward M. Kennedy, Democrat U.S. Senator from Massachusetts. Son of the Irish Patriarch, Joseph P. Kennedy. The Family having been from the 1920s, during Prohibition, making British royalty beholden to them. How? By Ol d Man Kennedy arranging to smuggle into the U.S. the booze products chartered by the British Royals. This was done with the aid of gangsters, Boston, Detroit, and Chicago. The criminals continued the distribution of the booze even after liquor was legal in the U.S. Teddy in 1964 survived an assassination plot in a sabotaged plane crash. His brothers, John F. and Robert F., did not survive murder plots, 1963 and 1968.
A transcript of the Fall of 2003 meeting, before the 40th Anniversary of the JFK murder.
Edward M. Kennedy "George, I think by now, through your sources, you already know, the French CIA, for several decades now, has leaked out a few details as to Dallas. Although their people infiltrated the plot, their high-ups did not see fit to stop it, believing I suppose it could not be stopped or better to withhold details for blackmail. As you know, Oswald was a French intelligence agent, a hero, who fell between the cracks. His mother often said Oswald was under cover as with N aval Intelligence. Now my niece Caroline insists that I show you these films and documents."
[A projector is set up and the films shown. On one film, taken from the Overpass bridge, is shown the shots straight-on hitting Kennedy. Other parts of films, show one of the shooters using the storm sewer up on the railroad embankment , right near Dan Rather standing in the shadows nearby.]
George Herbert Walker Bush "Teddy, you know the problem. Your brother Jack was soft on the Communists. Three weeks before Dallas, he ordered the coup against the Saigon regime of Premier Diem, a devout Catholic, and his two brothers, all anti-Communists---they were assassinated on your brother's orders. And your brother denied U.S. warplane cover at the Bay of Pigs, thus helping Fidel Castro, a Communist. Jack lost his nerve in 1962 in the Cuban Missile Crisis."
Teddy "That Saigon matter is a frame-up, supposedly making the Vatican approve of what happened to Jack."
George "Jack was allowing the country to be split on black-white racial lines by an agitator, Dr. King, a Communist."
Teddy "I do not believe Dr. King was a Communist. I know Hoover hated us and said King was a Red."
"I suppose you know about the book written by a team of French Intelligence under a pen-name? 'Farewell America'." George "The main thing is your brother was dealt with like any Crowned Head of State. After the powers that be determined that your brother was a traitor, Lyndon [Baines Johnson, then Vice President] and I, and other noteworthy person s, including those in the Military and Intelligence, and others, arranged a public execution. On the facts, it was justified and proper."
Teddy "George, it was not justified. Jack found terrible murder plots within the CIA, and was determined to scatter them to the wind and you know it. He would not instigate a nuclear strike against the Soviets. It is nonsense to claim Jack was a Communist, or soft on them. He wanted to take away the tax loophole favoring your oil pals."
George "Your brother was a traitor. He had to be punished, as a symbol to all, that a traitor will have his head chopped off or his brains blown out, in public, for all to see."
Teddy "My family has been in favor of silence on these subjects. They do not want to go public to rebut these outrageous accusations. Caroline, my niece, dissents. She demands the matters, the films, the documents, once and for all, b e made public. Her husband, Schlossberg, a grain speculator, for business reasons, wants the silence to continue."
George "Publicizing the details cannot be allowed."
Teddy "Why?"
George "Because the public is stupid. How can we explain high-level Affairs of State to dummies? The public execution was justified and necessary, and you know it. To reveal all the details now would tear the country apart."
So, on the 40th Anniversary of the assassination of John F.Kennedy, the media permitted, at least some did, the finger to be pointed at Lyndon Baines Johnson, now dead, once Vice President and then President. In espionage jargon, this is dealing with a sticky subject by a "limited hang-out", a throwaway detail.
Not accused, and they should be, are the British Royalty, the American CIA, Daddy Bush's Texas oil buddies, and Fascist killers high up in the U.S. Military and Intelligence agencies.
Considering that the French are holding all the cards---the films and proof as to Dallas---it was plain stupid for Bush, Jr., that is George W. Bush, to attack the Paris government regarding the plan to invade Iraq. Daddy Bush, maybe m ost have already forgotten, publicly opposed the pre-emptive attack on Iraq.
The oil-soaked, spy-riddled monopoly press would not dare report any details, which they already know, of the meeting between Daddy Bush and Teddy Kennedy.
For background, visit our website series Overthrow, Part 42 and other parts. Also, as to revealing details of the Kennedy Family, see our four-part series on the murder of JFK, Jr., "What Happened to America's Goldenboy". Somewhere on our website is the FBI document showing George Bush, of CIA, was involved with in some way covering up witnesses as to the Dallas murder. As to Daddy Bush, the Corrupt Federal Judges, underground dope and cocaine, and Stepan Chemical Co., see our extensive website series "Coca-Cola, CIA, and the Courts".
More coming. Stay tuned.
Since 1958, Mr.Skolnick has been a court reformer. Since 1963, founder/chairman, Citizen's Committee to Clean Up the Courts, disclosing certain instances of judicial and other bribery and political murders.
POLITICAL ASSASSINATIONS AT L.A. AIRPORT, Part Two by Sherman H. Skolnick 7/10/02
by Sherman H. Skolnick 7/10/02
In analyzing shoot-ups with geopolitical/espionage overtones, political assassination researchers have an advantage. They pose questions troubling to the Establishment, the aristocracy, the "powers that be" , such as the following
[1] Did the background of the accused gunman suddenly show up in the oil-soaked, spy-riddled monopoly press with all kinds of details? And was this to quickly prove to the poorly-informed that the accused shooter was a disgruntled crackpot linked to no plot or murder scheme or anybody? And that he was not a "terrorist"? And who in advance already compiled that rapidly supplied background handed on a platter to the liars and whores of the press? Was it America's secret political police, the FBI and the CIA?
[2] Did the early reports, never repeated in the U.S. media, point to a second gunman? If such early reports were referred to by overseas or alternative media, well, then were they quickly heckled as "unfounded"?
[3] Do the American lapdog newsfakers ever proceed to educate ordinary Americans about political murders, from an historic perspective? If not, why not?
[4] Europeans, to their credit, often raise the issue of political murder. Why are the American media so quick to whitewash strange events as always done by a "lone nut"?
[5] Do the American media ever raise the basic question about certain murders WHO BENEFITS? What do the presslords fear? That the ordinary Americans come to realize that bloody happenings are not always just random events? Are questions ever raised, such as for example, as to how England seeks to take back this continent and how they benefitted from the political assassination of three U.S. Presidents, since the War of 1812? [Presidents Abraham Lincoln, James Garfield, and William McKinley. See our website series, "The Overthrow of the American Republic".]
The accused Egyptian, Hesham Mohamed Hadayet, ran a limousine service. Were the local authorities going to allow just anyone to park their vehicle, as he did, opposite the Los Angeles International Terminal and walk into the place? He had on a light short-sleeved shirt which could NOT have concealed, from the trained security personnel, that he suppposedly carried with him one automatic pistol, one gun, one six inch knife, and two ammunition clips. Was the Egyptian wearing an El Al identification badge? Would El Al be inclined to give such a person easily identified as an Egyptian, a security badge?
Those who know the history of murders, particularly political wipe-outs---which many Americans are kept from knowing about---are aware that the use of a second team or second assassin is part of the plot. Some examples.
===1933. Quickly described by the American monopoly press was the "lone nut" who supposedly fired the FATAL shots, killing in Florida, Chicago Mayor Anton Cermak while sitting next to President-Elect Franklin Delano Roosevelt. So, murder mystery buffs are aware that the accurate, FATAL shooting (not just nearby shooting) was actually done by an entire second team. The purposes included to scare Roosevelt into agreeing with out-going President Herbert Hoover to close all the banks in a growing crisis. Roosevelt said he would NOT take action until he was inaugurated. Secondly, Cermak ran in Chicago an illegal booze business in competition with Al Capone and an Irish mob, a three-way situation. The "lone nut" was grabbed, rapidly tried, and convicted, and suffered the death penalty.
===1963. CIA-linked patsy, Lee Harvey Oswald, was the diversion for a highly-skilled sniper team in Dallas that blew out the brains of President John F. Kennedy in an open car. Used was military-style triangulating synchronized firing. A public execution to benefit, among others, the military-industrial complex. [Now available from some online book-sellers is the long-suppressed originally foreign published work, written for the Kennedy Family by the French CIA, "Farewell America", by pen-name author "James Hepburn". For more than 30 years banned from bookstore distribution in the U.S. This writer and one other assassination researcher somehow were the only ones able to get copies into the country. I used to give them away, when we had them, in return for small donations following college lectures.]
A mafioso, originally from Chicago, Jack Ruby, wiped out Oswald, to get rid of questioning the patsy.
===1968. A hypnotized purported nut, Sirhan Sirhan, was grabbed and blamed for the murder of JFK's brother, Robert F. Kennedy. The local coroner in L.A. said the fatal shots came from a gun about one inch away. Testimony showed that Sirhan was never closer than eight feet to Bobby. The FATAL shots came from a little-noticed purported hotel "security guard".
A Canadian journalist, Theodore Charach, was an eyewitness in the hotel pantry event. He produced a film documentary entitled "The Second Gun". The history of that film since 1974 was long and sad. To seek to discredit him, he was framed and sent to prison on dope charges. A large entertainment firm bought the film rights and suppressed distribution for a long time. At some assassination research seminars---set up by Establishment marketing experts to test out whether the public really wants to know such things---Charach was informed by the seminar conducters that if he showed up, he would be jailed as a trespasser, since he was NOT invited. (I came close to being jailed myself when I told the seminar bosses that I was arranging for Charach to be there nevertheless.)
A highly-skilled criminologist was available for Sirhan's trial to give the history of the use in murders of a second team or second gunman. Despite all that, the jury found Sirhan guilty and he rots in prison, a used and abused patsy.
THE PURPOSES OF THE JULY 4th, 2002 SHOOTINGS ===The shot dead El Al ticket counter clerk, Victoria Chen, was NOT just anybody. She was a close associate of Chandra Levy, the disappeared or murdered young woman, near the same age as Chen, who interwove with activities, among others, of the French CIA in combination with some of their pals in The Mossad, Israeli intelligence. They were together part of a team that included Monica Lewinsky. They were knowledgeable about the Bush Crime Family (Monica with Bill Clinton, a little-known crony of the Bush Family.) [visit our website series on the "Chandra Levy Affair".] That is Monica, Chandra, Victoria(some spelled it Khen).
===Also shot dead near the ticket counter was a Russian diamond importer, Yaacov Aminov. The Mossad contended that he somehow penetrated their activities as to the Bush White House having been accurately informed in advance of the expected violence against the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. The Bush Crime Family, interested in Central Asia oil deals,including Afghanistan as a pipeline conduit, did NOT want to know or act on The Mossad's advance accurate warning. [Relating to this, I wrote a story posted soon after Black Tuesday and was in the beginning heckled as a "liar" as to this prior knowledge and warning to Bush.] The Mossad greatly suspected that Aminov was a left-over reportedly of the Soviet Secret Police, the K.G.B. interfering with The Mossad's activities, in many cases as renegades, in the U.S. Aminov was reportedly spying on the way The Mossad was proceeding for various purposes to blackmail the Bush Crime Family [See part one of this series.]
===A target right near the El Al ticket counter was Michal Valden, a grand-daughter of Shimon Peres, the Israeli Foreign Minister. Early on, Peres was one of the first to counter the FBI's conclusion that it was not a "terrorist" event. His grand-daughter herself contacting, (surviving the assassination attempt where they got Victoria Chen); or someone on behalf of Valden, must have contacted Peres rightaway as to what happened.
A well-informed Israeli commentator, Barry Chamish, contends there are various reasons why Peres' grand-daughter was a target, including a split in the Israeli government and other reasons relating back to accusations that Peres orchestrated the assassination of Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin in 1995 and ties to a French connection. Some contend that Peres and others arranged for a "lone nut" to be blamed for the Rabin murder. [ Also, his stories about LAX have been posted on a popular website, Also raising the Peres issue but referring to it as Peres' "daughter", has been David M. Bresnahan, [] who in the past has helped break important stories.
The actual shooter and second gunman was a white, Caucasian, blonde hair, with a pony tail, clearly NOT an Egyptian. (That is assuming that the Egyptian was a gunman patsy as a diversion, rather than what seems to be, an unarmed patsy, shot dead like Lee Harvey Oswald.) According to witnesses, mentioned primarily in early reports but not repeated or in foreign press reports, the "pony tail" wore an El Al identification badge and was identified by among others, those working at the right nearby Mexicana Air Lines ticket counter. He took deliberate, not random, aim at Chandra Levy's close associate working at the ticket counter, Victoria Chen. His shots, however, missed Peres' grand-daughter right nearby.
The "pony tail" had five accomplices in the airport terminal who were apprehended by the secret political police, the FBI, and have fallen into the Bureau's cover-up black hole of history.
===To conceal efforts by The Mossad that they gave accurate, prior warning data to the Bush White House of the events that became 9-11, Black Tuesday. And that the Bush White House, as supervised by Daddy Bush running the show, wanted the events to take place. Why? For many poorly-informed Americans, outraged at the violence on their homeland, willing now to scrap the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights to be replaced by promises of "Homeland Security", like the Nazi Gestapo and the Soviet K.G.B. Ordinary Americans, unfortunately, do not understand this horrible mindset of the aristocracy, that foments wars and benefits from great financial debacles, like the Great Depression.
In 2002, when Israel Prime Minister Ariel Sharon visited Bush, as the occupant and resident of the White House, some contend that Bush insulted Sharon. Myseriously right thereafter, came bubbling up to the surface the accusations of FBI agents, Phoenix and Minneapolis, that their warnings to the FBI higher-ups about would-be terrorists planning something to do with airplanes in the U.S. were ignored. Or, that the FBI Director and the President deny having been warned. Some very well informed types contend that the Arabs were NOT the principal players in Black Tuesday, just convenient throwaway patsies.
===Another purpose of the cover-up, was to conceal the split in The Mossad that would tend to come out and finger the treason of the Bush Crime Family. The FBI fears that poking into the internal struggles in Israel and their intelligence agency would cause the Israelis to retaliate and publicly surface more of the prior knowledge of the Bush Crime Family as to Black Tuesday. In fact, FBI meddling in such matters would tend to unravel a series of The Big Cover-Up Saddam Hussein, the Iraqi strongman and his private business partnership with Daddy Bush. [See our website story, "The Secrets of Timothy McVeigh".] And the Iraqi connection, implicating Daddy Bush to the bombings of the federal building in Oklahoma City, April 19, 1995. And the Bush Crime Family in partners with Colombian druglord Carlos Lehder. [Visit the "Chandra Levy Affair", Part Two.]
More coming. Stay tuned
Since 1958, Mr.Skolnick has been a court reformer. Since 1963, founder/chairman, Citizen's Committee to Clean Up the Courts, disclosing certain instances of judicial and other bribery and political murders.